Friday 30 April 2010

Day 3 - What a waste!!!

29/30th April
Can't afford ANY more days like today. Did absolutely Jack – Shit. No excuses either; just pure lack of discipline and laziness. Learn from it and don't repeat the same mistakes. Days like today make it easy to understand why I aint got anywhere in ten years... 4:08am

Thursday 29 April 2010

Day 2?? Who can keep up..!

28th/29th April
Another half arsed entry I'm afraid. It's 3.40am, and despite the need for sleep last night, I didn't get much. Too hot. Consequently woke up late today, and started the day off behind schedule. First priority was exercise! Don't do as much as I need to, but it's something that must be done!! ..It's been the longest coldest winter I can remember; it started early and never seemed to end! These past 2 weeks have been good though. Wait all year for it, but when it comes, what do I do? Jackshit. Today was the same. Didn't venture out- too much to do. Stayed at home... but got nothing done! May as well have gone out!! And so it's been for the past ten years!! Not enjoying life out and about, yet not accomplishing much being locked up indoors either.. yet it's a voluntary sentence; such is the life of a writer. Anyway, got distracted with the Football (Barca vs, Inter) and then FINALLY did a couple hours of work. It was good though. The story flowed. Still on exercise 1 in the Syd Field book, getting the story actions out, but atleast they're coming...

Wednesday 28 April 2010

What the??

Man, it took me like 40 minutes to publish the last post!! Damn you google!! This may not be a good idea afterall... eating into my sleep. Added google adsense & amazon affiliate programme to try & monetise this damn thing.. taking waaaaaay too long. Need Sleeeeeeeeeep!

Day 1

27th/28th April 2010
I'm already runnin' late! It's 3:40am, and I needs me some sleep! Been putting this off for a while, but if I don't start now, I never will. Tomorrow's update will be more in depth. This is to record my progress, for my own personal motivation, 'cos as of now, nobody knows this even exists. So I started working through Syd Field's 'Screenwriters' Workbook'. Haven't read the whole thing yet, but jus' gonna work through it as I write. Still on the first exercise (p.24). Working on an idea that's been floating around in my head for about a year... Made a tonne of notes on it already, but the screenplay remains elusive. May as will give Syd Field a go. For some reason the ideas were flowing better when I used a black pen instead of a blue one...