Friday 7 May 2010

Day 10 - NOT an Historic day..!

6th/7th May
3:36am. Story-wise, I did Jack, infact I did Jacksh!t whichever way you look at it. I did do some much needed exercise though, and I did vote. I ALWAYS vote. So many people fought and died so that the common man could have his say, that it would be an insult to their valiant efforts not to vote!
Britain is a pretty doom 'n gloom type of place. All we hear are about are scaremongering stories from the media about how we'll soon go the way of Greece and how tough it's going to be, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong, I think the generations of people that have lived excessive lives and ruined our planet with pollution, greed and selfishness have a lot to answer for, especially as it's subsequent generations that will have to pay the price and clean up. But! You forget that this is the country that made it through the rationing era of the war years. And! Having lived an austere life myself (being under a constant cloud of debt since Uni), I can say that austerity is not as bad as it seems. The things that truly make you happy; family, friends, a sunny disposition- don't rely on you being rich! It's the simple and small pleasures in life that put a smile on your face, and whether the future is one of wealth or poverty, I think an appreciation of life's simple pleasures is what will help us all get through the constant struggles. 'Cos whether you're rich, or poor, there's always gonna be something worth getting stressed about!! Don't sweat it. Go for a walk, chat to some friends, hang with the family.. So whilst I'm moving slowly, and there's no guaranteed outcome even when I do finish, I'm just gonna keep going anyway.

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