Monday 3 May 2010

Day 6 - It aint how you start...

2nd/3rd May
3:39 am. Today was a good day. Didn't do any work, obviously (why break the habit of a lifetime?). Met some old school friends I hadn't seen in like 13 years. Then Dad took the family bowling. I got zero on my first two turns!! But with steady improvement, managed to finish 3rd place! Just goes to show, it's not how you start, but how you finish that counts!! We got back late. Dad went to bed past midnight and has to be up at 4am to go to work.. why can't I be like that?! I've practically slept through life.. but I do love to sleep, and they say you should always do what you love in life..! Whilst waiting for my friends I flicked through a Clint Eastwood book. Now there's a geezer. In it he mentions that he was lucky to get into the movie business at a relatively late age.. What a revelatory concept! Fortunate to get in late?! I've been in a mad rush for over 10 years, always feeling unlucky to have not gotten a break, but to think that it may be a blessing in disguise.. sounds good to me.

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