Thursday 6 May 2010

Day 9 - One small step...

5th/6th May
2:52 am. Forcing the story out. Spent a few hours today writing story notes. The story is progressing, it's moving forward, but I'm not sure if I like it. I set out to write a specific film (I see it in my head) and to be honest, the story I'm writing isn't it. Better, worse, it's not relevant at the moment.. It's just not the film I had in mind. I guess the point is to finish what I'm writing and then go back and sculpt it into what I want it to be. I just don't have time to sit around and wait for it to form perfectly in my mind before I start putting pen to paper.
 So far, I've been spending 5minutes a day on the doodles that accompany these posts, but that's not good enough. This is a serious exercise and it deserves my full attention. So today I set myself half an hour and began. 50 odd minutes later, I wasn't best pleased with the results but had to draw the line and stop. The piece is totally from my imagination, thus the whole thing doesn't look very 'realistic' (colours, pose, etc.). Might start copying from photographs.. I've got much to learn. As far as the day goes, it was an improvement, but still could've done more. Really needed to exercise but got distracted surfing the net, as ever.
Still some way to go, but getting there.

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