Saturday 8 May 2010

Day 11 - Do or Do Not.

3:59am. Man, time's running out and yet another day's slipped through my fingers with no real outcome or effort to produce an outcome. Did go Salsa though; thinking about quitting. I lack patience, and I hate committing myself to something (I've had a rolling 30-day mobile phone contract for years!!). I'm not making much progress with the Salsa, and the guys who are good say it takes years to get there! A friend told me that I should be going at least 2-3 times a week for the first few months.. I enjoy dancing, but not sure if I can commit that much to it. If I'm gonna do it, I wanna do it properly (like anything). I've got more pressing priorities. Sure, there are good looking chicks there, but there are good looking chicks everywhere. Besides, all you do is watch them dance with guys that can spin 'em around and all the rest of it. Chicks at these places are like gold diggers, only it's not money they're after, but a guy that can dance! I can dance.. when I'm by myself and there's no one around! When I ask a girl to dance the first thing I tell her is that I'm no good (a disclaimer if you will!!). If you think you're bad, you will be!! Simple. Need self belief!! You can if you think you can!!
I've gone through life merely trying. Not giving 100%, but not giving zero either. If you're gonna attempt something, anything, throw you're all into it. Do it!! OR don't do it! If I'm gonna stay at home, quit dreaming about being outdoors- make the most of being at home. If I'm out & about, need to stop being passive and grab life by the balls!! Instead of just hoping that somehow my life will take a turn just because I've changed the scenery. Finally understand what Yoda was talking about. Need to nail all aspects of my life!! Work hard, play hard!! 100% commitment to what I'm doing, whatever I'm doing... I'm losing the point of this blog; it's to chart my progress with my film career, not a diary of my life!! Less gratuitous details form here on in.

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