Friday 14 May 2010

Day 17 - Some way to go, but getting there...

13th/14th May
2:47am. Could've done more than I did today- lost discipline towards the end of the day, but getting there. Up to Chapter 4 in the Syd Field Workbook (pretty much breezed through the paradigm exercise now that I know what story I'm telling). The book isn't profound, but maybe that's the point; a simple straightforward method.
Ofcourse there's the thought at the back of my mind that says every moment working through and reading the book is a moment that could be spent writing the actual screenplay.. but I've already written four screenplays in my own very loose and haphazard way, and the major weakness in all of them is probably structure more than story. I definitely have much to learn. Even if I was an established and successful writer/director, I'd like to think I'd still be open minded enough to try new methods and continually seek to improve.. As it happens, I'm still on the starting grid, so if Syd's method helps me achieve my goals, then so much the better. If not, then at least I'll know to try a different method. Either way, I only have to gain from the process.
In terms of the little sketches that accompany my words, they're often less than an after thought.  There always has to be an ulterior outcome behind any attempt at art; never just art for the sake of having fun (even in this case it's still true- I was producing art for the blog). Tonight I just played around with Painter for a few minutes- something I NEVER do- and I gotta say, I like the results. Gotta play around more often, draw & do things for fun and nothing else..!!

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